

Anime (in Japanese, ア ニ メ [About this sound aɲime (? · I)]),  also written anime and anime in Spanish, 2 is a term that encompasses traditional or computer animation of Japanese origin.

In its beginnings, around 1907, the Japanese animation received the name of Senga eiga (literally "films with drawn lines"), later it would be known by the term Doga ("moving images") and, finally, around 1960 it will become to be called animeeshon (originally, ア ニ メ ー シ ョ ン [animēshon]. Hence it is abbreviated to "anime" (ア ニ メ).

Anime is traditionally drawn by hand, and at the beginning, the processes carried out digitally were particularly specific (retouching and editing).

The relationship of Japanese anime to manga is close, as historically a large number of anime series and works are based on popular manga stories. Although, it also has a narrow relation with visual novels.

In this space we will give you our opinion on classic anime, new releases, we will even include a download section.

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