Thursday, June 25, 2020


Hello beautiful people, happy Thursday!! how's that quarantine going? are you enduring it?

Today I'm going to tell you about the recent film by Kevin Bacon and Amanda seyfried called "You should have left".

It's an American psychological horror film, written and directed by David Koepp, based on Daniel Kehlmann's 2017 book of the same name.
Kevin Bacon plays Theo Conroy, a retired millionaire banker who lives by, listening to a kind of self-help guru who tries to calm him down in what appears to be outbreaks of anxiety, impatience, or jealousy, often accompanied by brutal nightmares.

This film can be a mix between Hitchcock and Kubrick, it has good drama, you could think about the toxic dynamics and their repercussions within the family nucleus, you realize that although it seems like a relatively happy family, each one has their problems and secrets, and who think that a vacation away from the city can remove such problems?.
So one thing I notice is that the big star of the movie, in addition to Bacon and Seyfried, is the house itself, a sleek modern construction that has little to do with the country setting near a village in the mid-Wales surrounding it. And the house, shows its tricks at the outset: what we see is not what there is and to understand how to move in there, it may not even reach with a square or a tape measure.

In my opinion, the acting was excellent but the plot was normal, this type of movie is one of those that always makes you think "what's really going on here?" a theme that seems to have most of the psychological thrillers. But it lacked more content to make it solid, at times it felt confused, rushed, and lacking in depth.
By the way, it gives you some warning signs for an AirBnB, choose the house well when you travel, hahahahaha. On the other hand, I loved the camera work, straight lines, good screen angles, focused reflections, and depth-of-field material.

I'll leave the trailer for you to judge for yourself.


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